Printmaker and Installation Artist
Trained at St Albans (Sculpture) and Brighton (MA 2005 Printmaking) Libby is a printmaker and installation artist.
Inspiration has included Antarctica, graffiti, magical realism, fungi and rusted objects. Exploring the boundary between 2 and 3D has resulted in sculptural books and 3D etchings. Projects have included an installation based on the Platonic Solids and work derived from mushroom spore prints.
A trip to Antarctica inspired a series of prints celebrating the scenery and wildlife of that area and the looming threat posed by Global Warming.
She has shown in the UK, Europe, and Japan. In 2015 she won 1st prize in the sculpture section of the EWACC competition. In 2016 she was selected for the Open Photography Exhibition Scenes from the City at the Riverside Gallery Richmond and took part in Contemporary 6 at the Babylon Gallery Ely. Other exhibitions have included Deep South a travelling exhibition inspired by Antarctica, Bite 2011, the Printmakers Council Exhibition in France 2009, the EWACC exhibition in Osaka Japan 2008, a print installation at Originals ’06 and the Royal West of England Print Exhibition 2005.
Her work is in public collections including The Stanley Nolan Trust, Guys Hospital, Hillingdon Hospital, the West Middlesex Hospital, Grainger Trust plc and Dulwich College.
She is a member of Richmond Printmakers and Southbank Printmakers and exhibits with them on a regular basis. Her work can be seen at the Southbank Printmakers gallery on Gabriels Wharf.
She prints and until recently organised the screen printing and life drawing at Kew Studio but now wishes to concentrate on her own work although she is still a member and gives a helping hand with hanging exhibitions.